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Madre, Protégenos
Digipak CD
"Duncan Patterson hält es wohl nie ewig bei einer Band. Rastlos strebt er immer weiter, um seine musikalischen Visionen zu verwirklichen. Nach seiner Zeit bei Anathema hatte er mit Antimatter drei Stu(...)"
The Cult (United Kingdom) |
"BBC Radio One (Marquee, London 1991)" 12" LP 2024, Radio Broadcast Records |
19.00EUR approx. 27.6USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
The Cult were formed in 1983, originally under the name Death Cult. This live album contains a part of their concert at legendary London club The Marquee from 1991, and features 4 tracks each from the two albums "Love" (1985) and "Electric" (1987).
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- tracklist -
A1. Nirvana
A2. Lil’ Devil
A3. Love
A4. Rain
B1. Wild Flower
B2. She sells Sanctuary
B3. Peace Dog
B4. Love Removal Machine
last update: 2024-12-02