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Mond - Gold Vinyl
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Digipak CD
"„Immaculada“, das neuen Werk von Dancan Patterson (ex-Anathema, Antimatter) führt den mit „Madre, Protégenos“ einmal eingeschlagenen Weg konsequent fort, wobei man sich als Hörer schon ein (...)"
Oathbreaker (Belgium) |
"Ease Me & 4 Interpretations - Coke Bottle Clear w/ White & Gold Heavy Splatter Vinyl" 12" EP 2020, Deathwish Inc. |
22.00EUR approx. 31.9USD [ add to cart ] |
A near perfect Oathbreaker creation, continuing their evolution as one the most intriguing heavy bands out there today. The title track is also presented in diverse remixes/reinterpretations from Jesu, Chelsea Wolfe, Wife, and Michael A. Muller.
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- tracklist -
A1. Ease Me
A2. Ease Me (Jesu Remix)
B1. Ease Me (Chelsea Wolfe Remix)
B2. Ease Me (Wife Remix)
B3. Ease Me (Michael A. Muller Remix)
last update: 2021-10-30