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Ainda É Noite
Digipak CD
"The third album of the Portuguese is also the most nostalgic one, as the Neo - Classical dimension is perfectly enhanced by two superb violins and a sublime classic guitar. Aside that, the Ethereal to(...)"
Stilla (Sweden) |
"Till Stilla Falla (2013) - Marbled Vinyl" 12" LP 2021, Nordvis |
19.00EUR approx. 27.6USD [ add to cart ] |
With transcendental riffing, immense keyboards, stargazing bass lines & and ghastly vocals STILLA will bring you back to the mystifying days of when Black Metal was imbued with the mysteries of the northern nature! Lim. 500x.
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- tracklist -
A1. Tidlösa Vindar
A2. Aldrig Döden Minnas
A3. Askormen
B1. Hinsides Dagen
B2. Allt Är Åter
B3. Till Stilla Falla
last update: 2021-10-30