"Hexperos est duo italien composé de la soprano Alessandra Santovito qui assure le chant et la flûte et du contrebassiste Francesco Forgione qui assure aussi les claviers et la guitare. Pour leur premi(...)"
With transcendental riffing, immense keyboards, stargazing bass lines & and ghastly vocals STILLA will bring you back to the mystifying days of when Black Metal was imbued with the mysteries of the northern nature! Lim. 500x.
Urged on by the powerful forces of nature to transform these earthly energies into a bittersweet maelstrom, Stilla explore the outer limits of the human sensory condition and experience through their intricate take on Black Metal.
12.00EUR approx. 17.4USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A carefully and passionately written album with a touch that reminds of great elder Scandinavian acts such as Kvist, Isvind or Tulus but not without a strong identity of its own which captures the spirit of eerie old northbound magic found in this genre.