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A New Flesh Experience
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Fourth, Part One
Digipak CD
"Anno 2000 in Frankreich gegründet vereint das Ensemble Deleyaman Mitglieder verschiedenster Herkunft: Armenien, Schweden, Frankreich, USA. Entsprechend international aufgestellt und vielseitig ist de(...)"
Rome (Luxembourg) |
"Hansa Studios Session" Digipak CD 2017, Trisol |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ] |
ROME and its entourage set up camp at the legendary Hansa Studios for about 14 hours on October 2nd, 2016, and recorded 8 songs in one go, in a recording which serves as a memento for the European tour held at the time.
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- tracklist -
01. Transference
02. Der Brandtaucher
03. Querkraft
04. Stillwell
05. Reversion
06. Mine
07. The Torture Detachment
08. A Legacy of Unrest
last update: 2024-02-02