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The Moon and th...
Regõ Rejtem
A5 Digipak CD
"Um sich mit Naturmystizismus und Schamanentum zu beschäftigen, braucht man nicht in entlegene Länder zu reisen. Sie liegen quasi vor der Haustür. Das ungarische Duo The Moon And The Nightspirit kö(...)"
Urze de Lume (Portugal) |
"Caminhos da Urze" Digipak CD 2015, self released |
10.00EUR approx. 14.5USD [ add to cart ] |
While deeply rooted in Portuguese traditional Folk, Urze de Lume delve further into the realm of Dark Folk, in a concept work that takes us back through old forgotten paths into the heart of northern Portuguese landscapes.
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[ add to cart ] |
- tracklist -
01. Caminhos Da Urze
02. Escuro Inverno
03. Entrudo de Lume
04. Foiçadas de Lume
05. A Cabra E O Canhoto
06. Só
07. Entre Os Ventos E A Saudade
08. Marcha Dos Travóes
09. Garrano
10. Larouco
11. La Fora A Neve
12. Por Terras Do Demo
13. Geada Negra
14. Memórias de Inverno
15. Lamento "por Uma Alvorada de Destroços"
last update: 2019-02-11