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Exit North
Anyway, Still
2x 12" Gatefold LP Exit Nort... |
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The Garden of t...
Digipak CD
"Alesandra Santovito of the band Gothica has formed Hexperos and delivers immaculate darkwave on this debut.
Hesperos sees Santovito reach untold heights vocally against a beautiful backdrop.<(...)"
Persona (Spain) |
"Ruïnes" Digipak CD 2009, Marbre Negre |
12.50EUR approx. 18.1USD [ add to cart ] |
19 tracks of Industrial, Martial, noise and lyrics passages from this Dark Ambient / Experimental band from Barcelona. A concept album based on the idea of ruin upon the time, this comes in digipak CD with full colour 24 pages booklet.
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![](img/cd-4818.jpg) |
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- tracklist -
01. Die Ruinen
02. Arquitetura do sonho
03. Zarathustra
04. Preussischer Stolz
05. Autòpsia
06. Ruïnes somniades
07. Wir müssen
08. A sang freda
09. Le chemin de l’Hermite
10. Soupirs d’hier
11. La font de sang
12. Eπιθυμίες
13. Die tiefe Mitternacht
14. A sea of dreams
15. Memòria
16. The wrong path to the victory
17. Nou desastre (Der Totale Krieg)
18. Dia d’hivern
19. Shi
last update: 2010-04-06