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Les Fragments d...
Musique du Crépuscule
Digipak CD
"Les fragments de la nuit - Musique du crépuscule Musique du crépuscule, ce n'est pas du rock, ce n'est pas ni metal, ni de la pop, ni même du trip-hop, de l'électro, de la chanson française, du p(...)"
Tethrippon (Greece) |
s/t Digipak CD 2009, Ahnstern |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ recommended ] : [ add to cart ] |
Tethrippon’s composing and poetry come to bring warmth to civilized and delicate hearts and a nostalgia for what is really missing from a romantic man’s internal seek for an ideal world. A new power for the Martial Generation!
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- tracklist -
01. Intro
02. Mother Nature's hymn
03. A prayer to the sun
04. A hymn to Erotas, god of love
05. The brave
06. Internal rising - awakening
07. Dedicated to the "Alike"
08. Dominant of senses
09. Fire holder
10. Corruption's burial
11. We won
last update: 2009-10-10