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Poets to their ...
Embrace the Fool
Digipak CD
"Newcomers Poets to Their Beloved epitomise the raison d'être approach of their label, Equilibrium Music: soft yet enchanting folk orientated music. (True, Equilibrium Music also has some martial acts(...)"
Dream Into Dust (U.S.A.) |
"The Lathe of Heaven" CD 2003, Chthonic Streams |
12.00EUR approx. 17.4USD [ add to cart ] |
Second full lenght album. A fantastic combination between folk and industrial, classical and experimental, acoustic and electronic. "a stunning sonic original masterpiece" - Outburn
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- tracklist -
01. a dream of joy in a sleep of sorrow
02. disconnected
03. how the roses burned
04. white autumn
05. sleep in dead time
06. black ice
07. wrong side of the glass
08. no world outside
09. the lathe of heaven
10. distant horizon
11. internal return
last update: 2009-04-30