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Omne Ensis Impera
Digipak CD
"Sich in einem Review dem Album "Omne Ensis Impera" des schwedischen Duos Arditi zu nähern ist schwer, weil es zum einen nur bedingt mit anderen Alben vergleichbar ist, und zum anderen durch den kunst(...)"

Twilight Magazin
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Medusa's Spell (Italy)
"Mercurial Behaviour" Digipak CD 2006, Cold Meat Industry
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ]
A conceptual album on which every "act" represents the confused thoughts and visions of a murderer, in a filmic dark-ambient-pop work that creates a hypnotic mantra leading us in different directions and states of emotions.

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- tracklist -
01. Act I
02. Act II
03. Act III
04. Act IV
05. Act V
06. Act VI
07. Act VII
08. Act VIII
09. Act XI
10. Act X

last update: 2006-08-25
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