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The Beggar
2x 12" Gatefold LP Mute |
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Mother of Disease
Digipak CD
"Neo-klassisen industrial-musiikin keihäänkärkeen kuuluvan Puissancen kolmoslevyä, Mother of Diseasea, pidetään paikoin jopa tämän ruotsalaisbändin parhaana levytyksenä. Lienee siis vain paik(...)"
Laharis (A Challenge of Honour) (Holland) |
"Unpolitical Alchemy" CD 2006, Vrihaspati Recordings |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ] |
Laharis is the new project of Johan König who was the original founder of A Challenge of Honour. The sound is between the early ACOH recordings with modern electronic influences. A beautiful album with many psychedelic moments.
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Stormfågel - "Dödsvals"
Digipak CD 2012, Steinklang Industries
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Rome - "Gates of Europe"
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Chthonic Force - "Agathodaemon"
12" LP 2004, HauRuck!