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Des Teufels Bad
12" LP + CD Set SOLFO |
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Ainda É Noite
Digipak CD
"The neo-classical outfit Dwelling was in 2001 the first band of which Equilibrium Music released music. First the MCD Moments and two years after that the CD Humana. Dwelling makes ethereal neo-classi(...)"
Darkspace (Switzerland) |
"Dark Space II (2005)" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2023, Season of Mist |
30.00EUR approx. 43.5USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
A logical continuation of their first album but displays a greater presence of electronics. It consists of 3 tracks, for a total of more than fifty minutes of travel! Lim. 1600 with UV-print on D-side and embossed cover.
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- tracklist -
A. Dark 2.8
B. Dark 2.9
C. Dark 2.10
last update: 2024-03-12