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The Moon and th...
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A5 Digipak CD
" Graditissimo ritorno questo del duo folk ungherese The Moon And The Nightspirit, d’ora in poi solo TMATN, che tanto aveva riscosso interesse in seguito al loro omonimo debut album, uscito due anni (...)"
Master's Hammer (Czechia) |
"The Fall Of Idol (1990) - Transparent Red Vinyl" 12" LP 2023, Darkness Shall Rise Productions |
25.00EUR approx. 36.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ] |
One of the most innovative Black Metal bands ever, Master's Hammer may be quoted alongside Bathory and Samael as one of the key figures in the genre's modern sound and its most Avantgarde and experimental approaches. Remastered edition of the 1990 demo.
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Parfaxitas - "Weaver of the Black Moon"
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- tracklist -
A1. King Of The Bohemian Forest (Intro)
A2. Pád Modly
A3. Každý Z Nás Zabíjí Boha
B1. Géniové
B2. Hnijící Ráj (Instrumental)
B3. Útok
last update: 2024-10-28