Ab'Bhau (Spain) |
"Devastaciones Bajo El Fulgor Del Vacío" Digipak CD 2022, Cavsas |
14.00EUR approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ] |
The ritualistic essence of this artistic incarnation is based upon the rupture of repetitive patterns through improvisation as a medium to convey abject forces into the shape of what the band has called 'Black Metal Destruktion'. Lim. 300x.
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- tracklist -
01. Mandatos Sobre Sal Y Azufre (13:52)
02. Eviscerando A Noche (11:21)
03. Horizontes Invertidos (15:12)
04. Tras La Reiteraciûn Del Espejo (13:49)
last update: 2024-02-02