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The Moon and th...
Of Dreams Forgo...
Digipak CD
"Encore une fois Equilibrium Music nous surprend avec l'une de ces productions. Spécialisé dans la musique ambiante, obscure, épique, néoclassique, médiévale' et après avoir supporté des icÃ(...)"
Dawn and Dusk Entwined (France) |
"When I Die Burn Me In The Clothes Of My Youth" Digifile CD 2023, Dark Vinyl Records |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
D+DE goes further with a more mastered realisation of sometimes barely touched elements. An elegant mix of neo-classical, synths and 80's beats for a cinematic journey whose result could be classified as a new wave classic. Feat. Patrick Leagas as guest!
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Genocide Organ - "Mind Control (1995)"
Digipak CD 2018, Tesco Organization
Les Chasseurs De La Nuit - "& Burial Hex - Split"
12" LP 2019, Heiðrunar Myrkrunar
Les Mort Skin - "Front Capacity"
Digifile CDr 2007, UFA Muzak
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - "/ Trepaneringsritualen - Nature Seeking Equilibrium (War 4 the Principle of Balance) - Gold / Black Marbled Vinyl"
7" EP 2020, Equilibrium Music
Puissance - "Mother of Disease - remastered edition with bonus track"
Digipak CD 2008, Equilibrium Music
Wappenbund - "Blood & Fire"
CDr Boxset 2016, White Ashes
Sophia - "The Age of the Narcissist"
Digifile CD 2024, Cyclic Law Records
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- tracklist -
01. Finis Terrae (2:45)
02. Trust (4:41)
03. Promises To Keep (6:09)
04. She Came From The East (4:56)
05. Dans Le Lointain... (4:40)
06. Brumes (4:25)
07. À La Faveur De La Nuit (5:50)
08. The Earth Is My Church (4:25)
09. Never Learn (5:23)
last update: 2024-12-22