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The Veil of Queen Mab
Digipak CD
"Dopo tre anni di duro lavoro compositivo, torna in scena il duo italiano Hexperos, di cui avevo già parlato in precedenza a proposito del loro debut album del 2007 (recensione qui), con una nuova rel(...)"
Behold! The Monolith (U.S.A.) |
"From The Fathomless Deep - Clear/Blue Merged Vinyl" 12" LP 2022, Ripple Music |
29.00EUR approx. 42.1USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
Stoner / Sludge Doom. Their darkest and most menacing record yet, an album that stares fearlessly into the shadows and an ear-splitting surprise for those unbaptized. Grizzlier, rougher-hewn and more technically visceral than they’ve ever been. Lim. 250x.
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- tracklist -
A1. Crown/The Immeasurable Void
A2. Psychlopean Dread
A3. Spirit Taker
B1. The Wailing Blade
B2. The Seams Of Pangaea
B3. Stormbreaker Suite
last update: 2024-09-09