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Les Fragments d...
Demain, c'était Hier
Digipak CD
"A un paio d’anni dalla pubblicazione dell’esordio, Musique du Crépuscule, ecco nuovamente sulla mia scrivania un lavoro firmato Les Fragments de la Nuit. Il gruppo nato per volontà di Ombeline C(...)"
Wallachia (Norway) |
"Wallachia (1996) - Red Vinyl" 12" LP 2021, The Devil's Elixirs |
20.00EUR approx. 29USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
Mid 90's debut demo of epic symphonic Pagan Black Metal from Norway, now for the first time on vinyl. Lim. 566 copies, comes with double sided lyric sheet and hypesticker on the front.
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- tracklist -
A1. Fullmåne Over Fagaras (10:35)
A2. Skjold Mot Guds Lys (5:56)
B1. Arges - Riul Doamnei (5:31)
B2. Knus Den Hellige Ånd (7:06)
last update: 2024-12-20