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Propaganda - Ex...
2x 12" Gatefold LP Bureau B |
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Digipak CD
"Ritorna Duncan Patterson (ex Anathema ed ex Antimatter) con sequel dello splendido Madre Protégenos, uscito quattro anni fa. Come si capisce dal titolo e dall’artwork siamo sempre nell’ambito di (...)"
Suspiral (Spain) |
"Chasm - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2019, Sentient Ruin Laboratories |
18.00EUR approx. 26.1USD [ add to cart ] |
Suspiral coerce crushing Black and Death Metal into repetitive, trance-inducing song structures designed to consume and annihilate the psyche, drawing influence from extra-corporal states of consciousness and fringe Extreme Metal.
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- tracklist -
A1. Crown Of Chaos
A2. Boundless Waters
B1. Antithesis Of Time
B2. The Crimson Void
last update: 2024-02-02