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Useless Boy (Li...
12" LP Icy Cold Records |
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The Moon and th...
Of Dreams Forgo...
Digipak CD
"Desde Hungría nos llega la última referencia de este elegante sello portugués, con lo que se confirma que su catálogo cada vez crece más, pero lo que es más importante, a tenor de lo visto, mant(...)"
The Ominous Circle (Portugal) |
"Appalling Ascension - Black Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2017, 20 Buck Spin |
25.00EUR approx. 36.3USD [ add to cart ] |
While the reverent tropes of contemporary Death Metal will be recognizable to Circle adherents, the cauldron is mixed in myriad conjurations that draw from oppressive Death Doom, grinding blasts of mania, rancid melodies and mid-tempo dynamic necromancy!
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Digipak 2x CD 2023, Metal Blade
Impetuous Ritual - "Blight Upon Martyred Sentience - Black Vinyl"
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Goath - "/ Nebran - split"
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Lvcifyre - "The Broken Seal"
Digipak CD 2021, Norma Evangelium Diaboli
Ulthar - "Providence (2020) - Neon Magenta / Neon Violet / White Tri-Color Vinyl Merge w/ Black Splatter"
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The Night Eternal - "Fatale - Grey Vinyl"
12" Gatefold LP 2024, Ván
Grave Miasma - "Odori Sepulcrorum"
2x 12" Gatefold LP 2013, Profound Lore Records
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- tracklist -
A1. Heart Girt With A Serpent (04:12)
A2. From Endless Chasms (06:14)
A3. Poison Fumes (07:38)
A4. Ateg Gibor Le-olam Adonai (02:39)
B1. A Gray Outcast (06:53)
B2. To En (05:59)
B3. As The Worm Descends (07:55)
B4. Consecrating His Mark (10:12)
last update: 2024-02-02