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Spine - Silver Vinyl
12" LP Relapse Records |
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The Moon and th...
Of Dreams Forgo...
Digipak CD
"Agnes Toth et Mihaly Szabo viennent d’accoucher d’un petit monstre de beauté. Comme souvent chez Equilibrium Music, chaque nouvelle sortie consacre grâce et charmes acoustiques mêlés, un allia(...)"
Imha Tarikat (Germany) |
"Sternenberster - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2020, Prophecy Productions |
20.00EUR approx. 29USD [ add to cart ] |
On "Sternenberster", Imha Tarikat take the harsh sound of their debut album "Kara Ihlas" (2019) a huge step further while at the same time staying true to their course, turning to psychoanalysis and especially dream interpretation for lyrical inspiration.
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- tracklist -
A1. Ekstase ohne Ende
A2. Sturm der Erlösung
A3. Kreuzpunkt der Schicksale
A4. Brand am Firmament
B1. Klimax Downpour
B2. Aufstieg
B3. Sternenberster
B4. Outro (Cosmos Dissolving)
last update: 2021-10-30