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2x 12" Gatefold LP Eisenwald... |
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Digipak CD
"La portoghese Equilibrium Music si sta sempre più affermando come etichetta capace di scoprire tutte le magiche realtà del sottobosco Neo Folk/Dark Ambient, come testimoniano l’operato degli ultim(...)"
Núll (Iceland) |
"Entity" Digipak CD 2020, Ván |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
Eerie nihilist Doom / Black Metal with cleaver melodies and creative vocals by members of Misþyrming, Naðra and Carpe Noctem. Null means nothing. In celebration of all things hollow and void, howling psalms of naught into the endless emptiness.
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- tracklist -
01. None
02. Reduced Beyond The Point Of Renewal
03. (em)Pathetic
04. Conjoin The Vacuous
05. An Idiosyncratic Mirage
last update: 2024-11-06