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JK Flesh
Sewer Bait - Red Vinyl
2x 12" LP Pressure |
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The Moon and th...
Digipak CD
"Il duo ungherese “The Moon And The Nightspirit” torna con il suo terzo lavoro discografico, dopo il discreto successo ottenuto dai precedenti, pubblicati anch'essi con l'etichetta portoghese Equil(...)"
Chris and Cosey (United Kingdom) |
"Exotika (1987) - Transparent Violet Vinyl" 12" LP 2019, Conspiracy International |
21.00EUR approx. 30.5USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ] |
Originally released in 1987, the hugely popular "Exotika" album includes classics as the crowd-pleasing 'BeatBeatBeat', the haunting ballad 'Dr. John (Sleeping Stephen)' and the original version of the seminal title track 'Exotika'.
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- tracklist -
A1. Confession
A2. Arcade
A3. Exotika
B1. Vengeance
B2. Dancing On Your Grave
B3. BeatBeatBeat
B4. Dr. John (Sleeping Stephen)
last update: 2022-11-30