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Ghostly Kisses
12" LP Akira Records |
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The Moon and th...
Digipak CD
"Sous ce patronyme un peu compliqué se cache en réalité un duo originaire de Hongrie. La mystérieuse Agnès semble en être la figure de proue, non seulement par son rôle de vocaliste mais égalem(...)"
Muur (Holland) |
"Bod" Digifile CD 2019, Cyclic Law Records |
14.00EUR approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ] |
Ambient ritual soundscapes that are profound and resonating. "Bod" serves as an exploration and instalment of a new tradition of ritual and occult arts sourced from various ancient foundations. Lim. 500x. Somewhat of a cross between Phurpa and Sunn O)))!
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Abruptum - "Evil Genius"
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Death Like Mass - "The Lord of Flies"
Digipak CD 2024, Terratur Possessions
Urfaust - "IX: Einsiedler"
12" EP 2009, Ván
Hamnskifte - "Fodzlepijnan"
Digifile CD 2012, Myrkr
Urfaust - "Drei Rituale Jenseits Des Kosmos"
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