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Limbonic Art
Opus Daemoniaca...
12" Gatefold LP Kyrck Pro... |
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The Moon and th...
Of Dreams Forgo...
Digipak CD
"Wir schreiben das Jahr 2003, als sich Agnes Toth und Mihaly Szabo in dem Projekt The Moon And The Nightspirit zusammenfinden, um Musik zu machen. Eine geheimnisvolle Reise soll es werden, zu den verbo(...)"
Sleepwalker (夢遊病者) (Japan) |
"5772 - Gold Vinyl" 12" LP 2017, AnnapurnA |
22.00EUR approx. 31.9USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ] |
Sleepwalker take cues from the improvisational school of jazz and the cathartic nature of ritual folk music and couple it with the raw energy of bands like Voivod and GISM. "5772" is focused on cultural rituals, specifically related to death.
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split release featuring Sleepwalker:
- Sutekh Hexen / Sleepwalker
"split" 7" EP 2019
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Digifile CD 2024, Pelagic Records
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Digipak CD 2019, Lupus Lounge
Tuhka - "Havuportaali"
CD 2024, Nordvis
Grails - "Burning Off Impurities (2007)"
2x 12" Gatefold LP 2017, Temporary Residence Limited
Spacemen 3 - "Dreamweapon (1990)"
Digifile CD 2018, Space Age Recordings
Eye of Nix - "Black Somnia"
Digipak CD 2018, Prophecy Productions
Moon Duo - "Escape (Expanded Edition) (2010) - Blue Vinyl"
12" LP 2022, Sacred Bones Records
Watter - "History Of The Future - Black Vinyl"
12" LP 2017, Temporary Residence Limited
Aluk Todolo - "Voix"
Digipak CD 2016, Norma Evangelium Diaboli
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- tracklist -
A1. Empty Urns
A2. White Linen
A3. Plain Wood
B4. Black Ribbon
B5. No Flowers
B6. Only Stones
last update: 2024-04-21