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Omne Ensis Impera
Digipak CD
"Puissance-yhteyksistään tunnetun Henry Möllerin sekä ruotsalaisen black metalinkin kanssa puuhastelleen Mårten Björkmanin luotsaama Arditi jatkaa sotaisan ja teollisen neo-klassisen kuvioissa jo(...)"
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Denovali Records
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A Dead Forest Index (New Zealand)
"Antique" Digipak MCD 2012, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
"Antique" was the release that has raised awareness for this duo from New Zealand, whose fresh new sound that should please fans of Scott Walker, Einstürzende Neubauten, Bela Bartok, or Dead Can Dance.

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- tracklist -
01. Distance (3:39)
02. Anchoring The Hands (3:42)
03. Black Mud (3:18)
04. A New Layer (2:28)
05. Turning (4:48)

last update: 2019-02-11
Bersarin Quartett (Germany)
"Methoden Und Maschinen" CD 2019, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
Ambient / Electronica. The Bersarin Quartett continues to stand for the outing of a complex musical subconscious. Minimalism and bombast go together. Constantly developing and entangling contrasts, paradoxes and contradictions are the motor.

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- tracklist -
01. Prolog (2:28)
02. 2287 (3:59)
03. Bereit Für Die Ewigkeit (3:13)
04. Das Ist Alles, Was Wir Haben (4:14)
05. Was Nicht Ist Und Niemals Sein Wird (4:36)
06. Siehst Du Das Auch (8:16)
07. Wenn Wir Nur Wollen (4:56)
08. Das Prinzip Der Entsprechung (4:26)
09. Wie Von Selbst (3:34)
10. Gegen Das Vergessen (4:19)
11. Nichts Zu Verlieren (5:27)
12. Ursache Und Wirkung (4:41)
13. Futur II (3:51)

last update: 2021-02-15
Birds of Passage (New Zealand)
"and Leonardo Rosado – Dear and Unfamiliar" Digifile CD 2011, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
A minimalistic, cinematic, experimental dark pop trip, like a technicolor soundtrack that traces a vivid path through darkened desolate dunes.

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- tracklist -
01. Dear And Unfamiliar (3:17)
02. Here's Looking At You, Kid (3:00)
03. You Wore Blue (5:03)
04. We'll Always Have Paris (5:01)
05. A Kiss Is Just A Kiss (3:59)
06. Of Your Charm (4:05)
07. To Wander Slow With Me (4:51)
08. Your Lullabies (4:42)
09. I Wonder If You Sing It Now (3:59)
10. Endings And Beginnings (5:14)

last update: 2021-02-15
Birds of Passage (New Zealand)
"This Kindly Slumber" Digipak CD 2014, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
Like a cocoon, this album will envelope you in its many layers. With allusions to dark-pop and classic broken-folk, the anti-climactic compositions of Alicia remind us that she is a singer songwriter for people who don't like singer songwriters.

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- tracklist -
01. Ashes To Ashes (5:28)
02. Belle De Jour (6:57)
03. And All Of Your Dreams (2:36)
04. Stranger (4:32)
05. Take My Breath (5:48)
06. Yesterdays Stains (4:59)
07. Lonesome Tame (10:08)

last update: 2021-02-16
Birds of Passage (New Zealand)
"The Death Of Our Invention - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2018, Denovali Records
22.00EUR • approx. 31.9USD [ add to cart ]
Masterworks of minimalism and glacial beauty. The cold minimalist-drones, distorted field recordings, and sparse instrumentation, illustrate an icy, desolate and dark world with allusions to dark-pop and classic broken-folk.

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- tracklist -
A1. If Full Of Care Part 1 (0:44)
A2. Haunt My Existence (7:26)
A3. Creature Of My Night (3:13)
A4. The Love Song (3:30)
A5. Shadows Of Our Mind (3:25)
A6. Another Thousand Eyes (4:14)
B1. Without The World (3:47)
B2. Dare I Feel (3:25)
B3. Demons In Our Midst (5:47)
B4. Wake To The Dream (4:24)
B5. Modern Monster (4:56)
B6. If Full Of Care Part 2 (0:48)

last update: 2021-02-16
Birds of Passage (New Zealand)
"The Last Garden - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2021, Denovali Records
24.00EUR • approx. 34.8USD [ add to cart ]
Alicia Merz breaks her 3-year long silence for their 5th album. A universe of minimalist soundscapes, reinvented Shoegaze, and the words of a poet who all too well knows the cold loneliness of the dark, but can find the breathless beauty in it also.

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- tracklist -
A1. It's Too Late Now (8:46)
A2. The Light Became (3:09)
A3. The Creed (3:45)
A4. Worship My Flaws (4:05)
A5. Find Me Another (1:37)
B1. A Tale Of Two Cities (4:19)
B2. We Fell For The Devil To Rise (7:56)
B3. Petite Mort (6:31)
B4. On Our Hands (2:23)

last update: 2024-02-02
Blackfilm (Hungary)
"Zero One Seven - Black Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2018, Denovali Records
27.00EUR • approx. 39.2USD [ add to cart ]
A dystopian journey through haunting vocals, hypnotic drum patterns and complex sound design. Blackfilm merges tracks spanning across Drum and Bass, Dub and Electronica, as it maintains a consistent focus on atmospherics, beats and heavy bass.

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- tracklist -
A1. 8632 (7:52)
A2. Version (7:11)
B1. Traitors (8:04)
B2. Blade City 2094 (7:42)
C1. Fateless (8:30)
C2. Deep Roots (6:52)
D1. Song Without Words (6:39)
D2. Vegas (5:15)

last update: 2024-02-02
Blueneck (United Kingdom)
"Epilogue" Digipak CD 2012, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
Blueneck bring their sense of melancholy mood and melody to a new instrumental project, inspired by commissioned solo work on soundtracks for independent films and composers and soundscapers such as Brian Eno, Air, John Carpenter and Clint Mansell.

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- tracklist -
01. Apogee (4:00)
02. Carina (5:07)
03. [eta carinae] (2:05)
04. Colonization - Incident 1 (3:26)
05. Colonization - Incident 2 (2:32)
06. Symbiosis - Part 1 (4:47)
07. Symbiosis - Part 2 (4:07)
08. Suppression (4:27)

last update: 2017-12-12
Blueneck (United Kingdom)
"King Nine - Black Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2014, Denovali Records
25.00EUR • approx. 36.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The electronica of Boards of Canada, the movie soundtracks of Ennio Morricone and John Carpenter and the melodicism and melancholia of "Kid-A" era Radiohead and Arcade Fire come together in Blueneck's most vibrant, accessible and exciting album yet.

audio files available
- tracklist -
01. Counting Out (5:43)
02. Sirens (6:21)
03. King Nine (5:21)
04. Man Of Lies (4:19)
05. Broken Fingers (5:44)
06. Father, Sister (4:00)
07. Spiderlegs (6:35)
08. Mutatis (9:01)
09. Anything Other Than Breathing (6:15)

last update: 2024-05-28
Celeste (France)
"Animale(s)" Digipak 2x CD 2013, Denovali Records
16.00EUR • approx. 23.2USD [ add to cart ]
Expressionistic, sophisticated, evolved, overflowing, pitch-black. A double album crafted over the course of 3 years, which results in an opus so loaded and dense that it can barely withstand its inner pressure.

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- tracklist -
01. Laissé Pour Compte Comme Un Bâtard (5:01)
02. Au Pied D'une Bicoque Peu Séduisante (3:13)
03. Sans Crainte De S'avouer Un Jour Naufragée (3:32)
04. (X) (6:36)
05. Tes Âmes Soeurs Immaculées (5:21)
06. Dans Ta Salive, Sur Sa Peau (9:22)
01. D'errances En Inimitiés (7:25)
02. Cette Silhouette Paumée Et Délabrée Qui Sanglote Et Meurt (7:30)
03. Empreinte D'érotisme (2:31)
04. (Y) (3:21)
05. Serrés Comme Son Coeur Lacéré (7:18)
06. Outro (8:11)

last update: 2021-10-30
Dictaphone (Germany)
"Goats & Distortions 5 - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2021, Denovali Records
24.00EUR • approx. 34.8USD [ add to cart ]
An ungraspable, ghostly, spooky album consisting of ten different journeys into the experimental sound world of these unique compositions, which bring together Electronica, Contemporary Classical and Darkjazz in an absolutely unique sound.

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- tracklist -
A1. O. (4:18)
A2. Island 92 (4:43)
A3. 808.14.4 (3:44)
A4. Goats & Distortions 1 (1:13)
A5. Tempête Et Stress (4:27)
B1. Il Grande Silenzio (3:38)
B2. M. (2:58)
B3. Goats & Distortions 2 (3:08)
B4. Your Reign Is Over (5:16)
B5. Griot Dub (4:40)

last update: 2024-02-02
Dictaphone (Germany)
"Goats & Distortions 5" Digipak CD 2021, Denovali Records
14.50EUR • approx. 21USD [ add to cart ]
An ungraspable, ghostly, spooky album consisting of ten different journeys into the experimental sound world of these unique compositions, which bring together Electronica, Contemporary Classical and Darkjazz in an absolutely unique sound.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. O. (4:18)
02. Island 92 (4:43)
03. 808.14.4 (3:44)
04. Goats & Distortions 1 (1:13)
05. Tempête Et Stress (4:27)
06. Il Grande Silenzio (3:38)
07. M. (2:58)
08. Goats & Distortions 2 (3:08)
09. Your Reign Is Over (5:16)
10. Griot Dub (4:40)

last update: 2024-02-02
Ensemble Economique (U.S.A.)
"Blossoms In Red" Digipak CD 2015, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
Ensemble Economique ardently absorbes the nuances between restlessness and relaxation, gloom and serenity, rarifying and moulding them into a seamless array of glimmering, from drone and ambient to shoegaze and post-wave.

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- tracklist -
01. From The Train Window, Red Flowers On The Mountain (8:10)
02. Blossoms In Red (6:45)
03. On The Sand (7:44)
04. You, By Candlelight (7:08)
05. Nothing Is Perfect (6:29)

last update: 2019-02-11
Ensemble Economique (U.S.A.)
"In Silhouette" Digipak CD 2017, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
Pyle’s latest opus dials up the cinematic flourishes that have graced many of his earlier recordings, through his sinewed synth-tone undulations, polyphonous ostinato, Wolfgang Voigt pulses, and fractalized cascades of generative serialism.

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- tracklist -
01. In The Clear Blue Waters Of Memory
02. Battle Cry
03. Gonna Get Right With God, Right After This Next Cigarette
04. I Can See The Light, The Edge Of Forever
05. You In The Horizon

last update: 2017-12-12
Franz Kirmann (United Kingdom)
"Elysian Park - Black Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2016, Denovali Records
23.00EUR • approx. 33.4USD [ add to cart ]
In its dreamy yet unsettling electronica, "Elysian Park" offers a deep sense of space and emptiness surrounding the music forcing the listener’s attention to focus on the physicality of the sound rather than any melodic, harmonic or rhythmical content.

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- tracklist -
01. Lament (3:02)
02. Hidden Olympia / Diamorphine Clickstreams (5:10)
03. Hypertrance (6:06)
04. Scavenger (2:20)
05. Wasteland Condo (3:06)
06. Lagon (7:30)
07. Diazepam Dreams (1:34)
08. Killswitch / Darknet (6:25)
09. The Pleasure Channel (3:51)
10. Mirage (2:48)
11. Lanzarote (1:15)
12. Paradiso Beach (3:01)
13. Tears In Your Eyes (6:48)
14. Halcyon (6:15)

last update: 2017-12-12
Franz Kirmann (United Kingdom)
"Elysian Park" Digipak CD 2016, Denovali Records
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ]
In its dreamy yet unsettling electronica, "Elysian Park" offers a deep sense of space and emptiness surrounding the music forcing the listener’s attention to focus on the physicality of the sound rather than any melodic, harmonic or rhythmical content.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. Lament (3:02)
02. Hidden Olympia / Diamorphine Clickstreams (5:10)
03. Hypertrance (6:06)
04. Scavenger (2:20)
05. Wasteland Condo (3:06)
06. Lagon (7:30)
07. Diazepam Dreams (1:34)
08. Killswitch / Darknet (6:25)
09. The Pleasure Channel (3:51)
10. Mirage (2:48)
11. Lanzarote (1:15)
12. Paradiso Beach (3:01)
13. Tears In Your Eyes (6:48)
14. Halcyon (6:15)

last update: 2017-12-12
Greg Haines (United Kingdom)
"Where We Were - Gold Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2013, Denovali Records
25.00EUR • approx. 36.3USD [ add to cart ]
For his new album, Haines replaces cascading strings with intricate layers of tape-worn synthesizers, and any recordings of piano have been transformed and affected until their sound is at times barely recognizable. Lim. 150 copies.

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- tracklist -
A1. The Intruder
A2. Something Happened
B1. So It Goes
B2. Trasimeno
C1. The Whole
C2. Wake Mania Without End II
D1. Habenero
D2. Habenero (Version)

last update: 2019-02-11
Greg Haines (United Kingdom)
"2006-2012" 3x CD Boxset 2013, Denovali Records
20.00EUR • approx. 29USD [ add to cart ]
These first three albums can now be seen as a wholesome introduction to a composer who is sure to keep surprising us in the years to come, with his unique and overtly personal approach to creating and performing a very patient and contemplative music.

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- tracklist -
CD I - Slumber Tides
01. Snow Airport
02. Submergence
03. Tired Diary (Revised)
04. Arups Gate
05. Caesura
CD II - Until The Point Of Hushed Support
01. Industry Vs. Inferiority
02. Marc's Descent
03. In The Event Of A Sudden Loss
04. Until The Point Of Least Resistance
CD III - Digressions
01. Ernetti
02. Caden Cotard
03. 183 Times
04. Azure
05. Nuestro Pueblo

last update: 2019-02-11
Greg Haines (United Kingdom)
"Where We Were" Digipak CD 2013, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
For his new album, Haines replaces cascading strings with intricate layers of tape-worn synthesizers, and any recordings of piano have been transformed and affected until their sound is at times barely recognizable.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. The Intruder (6:27)
02. Something Happened (5:40)
03. So It Goes (7:17)
04. Trasimeno (2:33)
05. The Whole (4:04)
06. Wake Mania Without End II (5:37)
07. Habenero (6:30)
08. Habenero (Version) (7:13)

last update: 2021-02-16
Her Name Is Calla (United Kingdom)
"The Heritage (2008)" CD 1999, Denovali Records
14.50EUR • approx. 21USD [ add to cart ]
2016 Reissue with a new packaging and artwork of the Her Name Is Calla debut album "The Heritage" from 2008. Formed in 2003 out of a desire to create music that had a more emotional core, Her Name is Calla have since expanded to a five piece band.

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- tracklist -
01. Nylon (6:30)
02. New England (9:13)
03. Paying For Your Funeral (5:01)
04. Wren (5:20)
05. "Motherfucker! It's Alive And It's Bleeding!" (8:10)
6.1. Rebirth (2:37)
6.2. (Silence) (9:10)
6.3. The Long Distance Runner (5:14)

last update: 2021-02-15
Her Name Is Calla (United Kingdom)
"The Quiet Lamb" Digipak CD 2010, Denovali Records
14.50EUR • approx. 21USD [ add to cart ]
The result of years of planning and one years recording and mixing. Stretched over the course of 75 minutes, the new album finds the band at their most passionate to date taking the listener through a journey of ten songs, each one a part of a whole.

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- tracklist -
01. Moss Giant (5:13)
02. A Blood Promise (6:07)
03. Pour More Oil (7:25)
04. Interval 1 (2:33)
05. Condor And River (17:06)
06. Long Grass (6:10)
07. Homecoming (2:23)
08. Thief (6:00)
09. Interval 2 (3:08)
10. Part One: I Worship A Golden Sun (6:49)
11. Part Two: Recidivist (8:10)
12. Part Three: Into The West (4:38)

last update: 2021-02-15
Her Name Is Calla (United Kingdom)
"The Heritage (2008) - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2016, Denovali Records
20.00EUR • approx. 29USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
2016 Reissue with a new packaging and artwork of the Her Name Is Calla debut album "The Heritage" from 2008. Formed in 2003 out of a desire to create music that had a more emotional core, Her Name is Calla have since expanded to a five piece band.

- tracklist -
A1. Nylon (6:31)
A2. New England (9:14)
A3. Paying For Your Funeral (5:02)
B1. Wren (5:21)
B2. Motherfucker! It's Alive And It's Bleeding! (8:11)
B3. Rebirth (2:37)
B4. The Long Distance Runner (5:14)

last update: 2024-12-02
Hydras Dream (Sweden)
"The Little Match Girl - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2014, Denovali Records
23.00EUR • approx. 33.4USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A special collaboration between Anna von Hausswolff and Matti Bye. Their first project brings forth an eclectic and delicate album, located somewhere inbetween neo-classical experimentalism and avantgarde dream-pop. Lim. 350 copies.

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. Last Evening Of The Year (3:10)
A2. The Little Match Girl (6:45)
A3. Hypothermia (4:03)
A4. Losing The Slippers (4:29)
B1. Grievance Of A Young Girl (5:00)
B2. Grandma's Appearance (5:33)
B3. Fall Of A Star (2:23)
B4. Joys Of A New Year (2:55)
B5. The End (5:49)

last update: 2025-01-10
Hydras Dream (Sweden)
"The Little Match Girl" Digipak CD 2014, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A special collaboration between Anna von Hausswolff and Matti Bye. Their first project brings forth an eclectic and delicate album, located somewhere inbetween neo-classical experimentalism and avantgarde dream-pop.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Last Evening Of The Year (3:10)
02. The Little Match Girl (6:45)
03. Hypothermia (4:03)
04. Losing The Slippers (4:29)
05. Grievance Of A Young Girl (5:00)
06. Grandma's Appearance (5:33)
07. Fall Of A Star (2:23)
08. Joys Of A New Year (2:55)
09. The End (5:49)

last update: 2024-04-24
Les Fragments de la Nuit (France)
"Musique du Crépuscule" 12" LP 2009, Denovali Records
17.00EUR • approx. 24.7USD [ add to cart ]
A neo-classical or post-nocturnal masterpiece! LP version of 2008's Equilibrium Music release, limited to 350 copies.

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- tracklist -
01. Eveil des Fées
02. Assault
03. La Ronde des Fées
04. Entre Ciel et Fer
05. Devenons Demain I
06. Devenons Demain II
07. Solitude
08. Solarisation
09. La Chambre des Fées
10. Soleils Noirs pour Lune Blanche
11. La Mélodie de la Tête
12. Le Château Enchanté
13. Le Scarabée Bleu
14. Soleils Noirs pour Lune Blanche - Tango
15. Les Eaux Dormantes
16. Alpha du Centaure

last update: 2021-10-30
Les Fragments de la Nuit (France)
"Musique De Nuit - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2012, Denovali Records
18.00EUR • approx. 26.1USD [ add to cart ]
"Musique De Nuit" features newly recorded tracks from the early days as well as brand new pieces. Variety is testimony to the band's ability to take Contemporary Classical music beyond its typical standards.

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- tracklist -
A1. Toi Le Fou
A2. Des Ombres
A3. Scène Finale
A4. The Gate
A5. Apres Le Combat
A6. Plénitude
A7. Les Divinités
A8. La Dame Blanche
B1. Petite Rosée
B2. La Proposition
B3. Forêt Violette
B4. Souviens-Toi
B5. Hypochondrie
B6. Et Puis La Pluie
B7. Presence

last update: 2017-12-12
LTO (United Kingdom)
"Déjà Rêvé - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2018, Denovali Records
21.00EUR • approx. 30.5USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
LTO expands on the classical sensibility set forth in "Storybook", creating a highly expressive and nuanced release which features complex piano arrangements, ethereal soundscapes, elegant orchestration and floating ambience, set to a cinematic landscape.

- tracklist -
A1. The Arrow Of Time (4:04)
A2. Déjà Rêvé, Pt. 1 (4:37)
A3. Deserve (5:07)
A4. The Singularity (5:06)
A5. Cuyabeno (4:55)
B1. Modaxen (7:12)
B2. 43433 (5:56)
B3. Ten Years (5:08)
B4. Déjà Rêvé, Pt. 2 (4:22)

last update: 2022-04-06
Mansur (NL / RU)
"Karma - Black Vinyl" 12" Gatefold LP 2020, Denovali Records
23.00EUR • approx. 33.4USD [ recommended ] : [ add to cart ]
Horváth, El-Demerdashi (Phurpa) and Köhnen (The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble) return to their otherworldly worldbuilding with their debut album, leading the listener into mystical and magical unknowns, that lie far past the realms of material perception.

related projects
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- tracklist -
A1. Aurelius
A2. Temple II (Sympatheia)
A3. Amor Fati
A4. Memento Mori
A5. Limina (Aurelius Reprise)
B1. Premeditatio Malorum
B2. Logos
B3. Pathos
B4. Faustina
B5. Eudaimonia (Amor Fati II)

last update: 2021-10-30
Mansur (NL / RU)
"Temple" Digipak CD 2020, Denovali Records
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A new project by Jason Kohnen (ex-The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble) joined by Dimitry El-Demerdashi (ex-Phurpa) and introducing Martina Hórvath on vocals, which morphs and blends traditional instrumentation with modern day electronica.

audio files available
related projects
- tracklist -
01. Temple (5:09)
02. Disciples (5:24)
03. The Temple Revisited I (4:26)
04. Pentatonic Ruins (4:58)
05. Leyenda (4:07)

last update: 2024-11-13
Mansur (NL / RU)
"Karma" Digipak CD 2020, Denovali Records
14.50EUR • approx. 21USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ]
Horváth, El-Demerdashi and Köhnen return to their otherworldly worldbuilding with their debut album. Mansur is the transformational vessel guiding you to these non-physical realms.

related projects
[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. Aurelius
02. Temple II (Sympatheia)
03. Amor Fati
04. Memento Mori
05. Limina (Aurelius Reprise)
06. Premeditatio Malorum
07. Logos
08. Pathos
09. Faustina
10. Eudaimonia (Amor Fati II)

last update: 2024-11-13
Mansur (NL / RU)
"Minotaurus" Digifile CD 2021, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
"Minotaurus" is Mansur’s first live improv recording. A musical homage to the mythos of the Minotaur, in which Mansur takes you on a sonic journey through subterranean labyrinths, evoking spirits from past echoes of Minoa.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Pasiphae
02. Minos
03. Daedalus
04. Theseus
05. Ariadne
06. Aegus

last update: 2024-11-13
Nadja / Troum (U.S.A./Germany)
"Dominium Visurgis" 12" LP 2010, Denovali Records
17.00EUR • approx. 24.7USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Three long collaboration tracks recorded as a result of a spontaneous improvisation. Powerful drone melancholy in micro- and macrocosmic ways... Lim. 300x, on 180gr. vinyl.

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. Part 1 (11:30)
A2. Part 2 (12:40)
B. Part 3 (25:10)

last update: 2024-12-11
Nanook of the North (Poland)
s/t Digipak CD 2019, Denovali Records
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ]
Nanook of the North take a deep sonic and conceptual trip northbound on their enchanting, eponymous debut album. Recording sessions broadly found Stefan playing violin and piano parts and Piotr taking care of electronics, more synths and the final mix.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. Siulleq
02. Tulleq
03. Pingajoq
04. Sisamaat
05. Tallimaat
06. Arfernat
07. Arfineq-Aappaat
08. Arfineq-Pingajuat
09. Qulingiluaat
10. Qulingat

last update: 2021-10-30
Petrels (United Kingdom)
"Jörð" Digipak CD 2016, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
Dreamy electronica, ethereal pop, modern classical minimalism and Post-Rock ambiance are some of the numerous strands that Petrels feeds from, whilst confidently weaving them together into something new that promises even more to come.

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- tracklist -
01. A Little Dust (5:01)
02. Terra Nullius (4:32)
03. The Last Shard Falls (4:33)
04. Waldgeist (7:45)
05. The Long Man (9:12)
06. Seithenyn Sleeps (11:55)

last update: 2017-12-12
Philipp Rumsch Ensemble (Germany)
"µ: Of Anxiety X Discernment - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2020, Denovali Records
24.00EUR • approx. 34.8USD [ add to cart ]
Based on the idea of transferring the sound language of Ambient, Minimal Music and Avant-Pop into an orchestral format, Leipzig-based pianist, composer and sound designer Philipp Rumsch founded his own ensemble in 2015.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
A1. a1
A2. a2
A3. a3
A4. a4
A5. a5
B1. d5
B2. d4
B3. d3
B4. d2
B5. d1

last update: 2021-10-30
Philipp Rumsch Ensemble (Germany)
"µ: Of Anxiety X Discernment" Digifile CD 2020, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
Based on the idea of transferring the sound language of Ambient, Minimal Music and Avant-Pop into an orchestral format, Leipzig-based pianist, composer and sound designer Philipp Rumsch founded his own ensemble in 2015.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. A1
02. A2
03. A3
04. A4
05. A5
06. D5
07. D4
08. D3
09. D2
10. D1

last update: 2021-10-30
Piano Interrupted (United Kingdom)
"Landscapes of the Unfinished - Black Vinyl" 12" Gatefold LP 2016, Denovali Records
18.50EUR • approx. 26.8USD [ add to cart ]
Piano Interrupted explore a more introspective approach to their sound - sonorities and recordings brought back from Senegal are deconstructed, mangled and texturised, turned into a pointillist landscape until only a faint and distant souvenir remains.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
A1. Waraba (04:28)
A2. Abdou Kadre (05:21)
A3. Vieux (04:23)
A4. Mamadou Fall (06:02)
B1. Oumar Konte (05:14)
B2. Sara Ba (03:43)
B3. Vieux (Reprise) (02:01)
B4. Jean Luc Diola (04:37)
B5. Pape Malick Diome (05:30)

last update: 2017-12-12
Piano Interrupted (United Kingdom)
"Landscapes of the Unfinished" Digipak CD 2016, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
Piano Interrupted explore a more introspective approach to their sound - sonorities and recordings brought back from Senegal are deconstructed, mangled and texturised, turned into a pointillist landscape until only a faint and distant souvenir remains.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. Waraba (04:28)
02. Abdou Kadre (05:21)
03. Vieux (04:23)
04. Mamadou Fall (06:02)
05. Oumar Konte (05:14)
06. Sara Ba (03:43)
07. Vieux (Reprise) (02:01)
08. Jean Luc Diola (04:37)
09. Pape Malick Diome (05:30)

last update: 2017-12-12
Ricardo Donoso (U.S.A.)
"Content - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2020, Denovali Records
24.00EUR • approx. 34.8USD [ add to cart ]
"Content" is the 9th album of the US based experimental electronic producer Ricardo Donoso, inspired by Terry Waite's ordeal, who was taken hostage in Beirut in the late 1980s, before ISIS, before smartphones, before the Internet as we know it.

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- tracklist -
A1. Chimera
A2. Thought Contagion
A3. Kinesics
A4. A Consensual Hallucination
A5. Data Lake
A6. Lexical
B7. Simulation & Modeling
B8. Forking Path
B9. By Conspiracy Or Design
B10. Crossed Destinies
B11. Smile Mask
B12. Dies Irae

last update: 2021-10-30
Ricardo Donoso (U.S.A.)
"Content" Digifile CD 2020, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
"Content" is the 9th album of the US based experimental electronic producer Ricardo Donoso, inspired by Terry Waite's ordeal, who was taken hostage in Beirut in the late 1980s, before ISIS, before smartphones, before the Internet as we know it.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. Chimera (2:48)
02. Thought Contagion (2:47)
03. Kinesics (2:46)
04. A Consensual Hallucination (4:25)
05. Data Lake (2:25)
06. Lexical (2:43)
07. Simulation & Modeling (2:53)
08. Forking Path (3:57)
09. By Conspiracy Or Design (2:29)
10. Crossed Destinies (5:45)
11. Smile Mask (1:19)
12. Dies Irae (3:43)

last update: 2021-10-30
Subheim (Greece)
"Πόλις - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2020, Denovali Records
25.00EUR • approx. 36.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Subheim uses "Polis" as a vehicle to depart from traditional songwriting structures, crafting each track as a piece of a larger sonic collage, bringing together IDM/Electronica and the unmistaken human element that is present in all his work.

audio files available
- tracklist -
A1. Ghosts (3:26)
A2. Old Blade (4:47)
A3. Vertigo (5:17)
A4. Park Inn (4:58)
A5. Light (3:45)
B1. Crimson (5:45)
B2. Daughter (4:14)
B3. When (3:32)
B4. Supernova (7:59)

last update: 2024-12-11
Talvihorros (United Kingdom)
"Let Us Be Thankful We Have Commerce - Black Vinyl" 10" EP 2012, Denovali Records
21.00EUR • approx. 30.5USD [ add to cart ]
Inspired by the first few Talvihorros live improvisational shows with a small, primitave set-up consisting of guitar, mixer, casio keyboard, effects and percussion were used to create two long, vibrant and constantly shifting pieces. Lim. 150x.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
A1. Let Us Be Thankful We Have Commerce (10:27)
B1. Buy More, Buy More Now (10:17)

last update: 2021-10-30
The Eye of Time (France)
"Acoustic - Coke Bottle Green Vinyl" 12" Gatefold LP 2014, Denovali Records
19.00EUR • approx. 27.6USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Using cello and piano for his Neo-Classical pieces, Marc Euvrie composed six songs for six different locations and points in time, reaching way back to ancient centuries as well as taking a glance into our near future of a yet unknown place.

- tracklist -
A1. Dead Sea, Cisjordan, -150.000
A2. Rondane, Norway, 750
A3. Catalonia, Spain, 1936
B1. Treblinka, Poland, 2 August 1943
B2. Exarchia, Athens, Greece, September 2008 - February 2009
B3. Somewhere, 2041

last update: 2024-01-10
The Eye of Time (France)
"ANTI - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2015, Denovali Records
21.00EUR • approx. 30.5USD [ add to cart ]
His darker output to date. This sister album to "Acoustic" confronts us with despair – pitch-black and constricting - influenced by the likes of Third Eye Foundation, Portishead, Neurosis, Sigur Ros, Grieg, Rachmaninov or Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
A1. God Is Your Loneliness (5:16)
A2. L'enfer Ce N'est Pas Les Autres C'est Moi (5:45)
A3. Mass (7:57)
B1. A Last Dance For The Things We Love (4:47)
B2. Dreams Are Dead, But Will Be Reborn With Grounds, Stones And Ancient Spells (9:48)
B3. I Could Sleep For Thousand Years (7:35)

last update: 2017-12-12
The Eye of Time (France)
"ANTI" Digipak CD 2015, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ add to cart ]
His darker output to date. This sister album to "Acoustic" confronts us with despair – pitch-black and constricting - influenced by the likes of Third Eye Foundation, Portishead, Neurosis, Sigur Ros, Grieg, Rachmaninov or Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. A Perfect World
02. Retrospective Memory
03. Collapse
04. ANTI
05. Embrace The Truth, Face The End Of All Things

last update: 2017-12-12
The Eye of Time (France)
"MYTH I : A Last Dance For The Things We Love - Black Vinyl" 12" Gatefold LP 2016, Denovali Records
25.00EUR • approx. 36.3USD [ add to cart ]
Part I of a 3-part concept work, and a synthesis of The Eye of Time's Neo-Classical compositions revealed in his past works, from the hopeful tone of "Acoustic" down to "ANTI"'s pitch black despair.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
A1. God Is Your Loneliness (5:16)
A2. L'enfer Ce N'est Pas Les Autres C'est Moi (5:45)
A3. Mass (7:57)
B1. A Last Dance For The Things We Love (4:47)
B2. Dreams Are Dead, But Will Be Reborn With Grounds, Stones And Ancient Spells (9:48)
B3. I Could Sleep For Thousand Years (7:35)

last update: 2024-02-02
The Eye of Time (France)
"MYTH II: A Need To Survive - Black Vinyl" 12" LP 2018, Denovali Records
25.00EUR • approx. 36.3USD [ add to cart ]
The second part of a trilogy of releases about the path that humanity takes over the ages. A multi-layered tapestry of experimental sound, "Myth II" merges darkness and hope via minimalist beats and stark bass.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
A1. There Is So Much Pain In This World That We Have Created Robots To Share It
A2. In The Name Of Earth
A3. To Rise Through Our Tears
B1. A Need To Survive
B2. Foldings
B3. Notre Amour Est Assez Puissant Pour Detruire Ce Putain De Monde

last update: 2024-02-02
The Eye of Time (France)
"MYTH II : A Need to Survive" Digipak CD 2018, Denovali Records
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ]
The second part of a trilogy of releases about the path that humanity takes over the ages. A multi-layered tapestry of experimental sound, "Myth II" merges darkness and hope via minimalist beats and stark bass.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. There Is So Much Pain in This World That We Have Created Robots To Share It (6:30)
02. In The Name of Earth (5:52)
03. To Rise Through Our Tears (7:48)
04. A Need To Survive (5:41)
05. Foldings (7:43)
06. Notre Amour Est Assez Puissant Pour Détruire Ce Putain De Monde (7:11)

last update: 2021-02-15
The Eye of Time (France)
"Acoustic II - Black Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2021, Denovali Records
30.00EUR • approx. 43.5USD [ add to cart ]
"Acoustic II" brings The Eye of Time's second album based only on piano & cello works.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
A1. Not From This World (2:34)
A2. To Heal A Shape-shifted Mind (3:29)
A3. Itself (4:38)
A4. A Lost Song (4:55)
B1. On Perd Sa Vie à Chercher Sa Place (6:13)
B2. Un Volcan Qui Pousse Les Os (6:43)
B3. De L'incapacité De Dire Au Revoir Aux Belles Choses (5:42)
C1. Behind The Unknown Is Where Magic Is (4:47)
C2. Eternal Conflicts (4:32)
C2. La Résilience Se Trouve À L'Est (5:30)
C4. Hope Is By Nature (4:35)
D1. L'eternité Se Cache Dans Un Jardin Au Fond Du Mois D'Août (4:54)
D2. Today Is The Journey (8:26)
D3. Toucher Le Temps Du Bout Des Doigts (5:00)

last update: 2024-02-02
The Eye of Time (France)
"Acoustic II" Digipak CD 2021, Denovali Records
14.50EUR • approx. 21USD [ add to cart ]
"Acoustic II" brings The Eye of Time's second album based only on piano & cello works.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. Not From This World (2:34)
02. To Heal A Shape-shifted Mind (3:29)
03. Itself (4:38)
04. A Lost Song (4:55)
05. On Perd Sa Vie à Chercher Sa Place (6:13)
06. Un Volcan Qui Pousse Les Os (6:43)
07. De L'incapacité De Dire Au Revoir Aux Belles Choses (5:42)
08. Behind The Unknown Is Where Magic Is (4:47)
09. Eternal Conflicts (4:32)
10. La Résilience Se Trouve À L'Est (5:30)
11. Hope Is By Nature (4:35)
12. L'eternité Se Cache Dans Un Jardin Au Fond Du Mois D'Août (4:54)
13. Today Is The Journey (8:26)
14. Toucher Le Temps Du Bout Des Doigts (5:00)

last update: 2024-02-02
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (Holland)
"Mutations (2009)" Digipak CD 2016, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
An act combining profound musical sensibilities, deeply emotional harmonies and an acute ear for genre inter-breeding, The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble placed itself and the confluent of dusty, gritty jazz and low-end doom-laden drones.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Caos Calmo (5:05)
02. München (6:00)
03. Serpent (5:00)
04. Twisted Horizons (4:35)
05. Shadows (4:20)
06. Symmetry Of 6's (4:40)
07. Horns Of King David (2:52)
08. Avian Lung (5:37)

last update: 2023-12-19
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (Holland)
"I Forsee The Dark Ahead, If I Stay (2011)" Digipak CD 2020, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Darkjazz / Experimental / Electronic. The highly praised live album of the Dutch cult ensemble from 2011 finally available again. Transcendental journeys, mixing live improvisation with the structure form studio album songs.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Celladoor (The Netherlands, 2011) (2:32)
02. Lobby (Hungary, 2007) (7:26)
03. Mists Of Krakatoa (Poland, 2011) (5:08)
04. Adaptation Of The Koto Song (Hungary, 2011) (5:00)
05. Symmetry Of 6's (The Netherlands, 2009) (6:14)
06. The Nothing Changes/Senki Dala/Embers (Hungary, 2007) (10:04)
07. Black Wings (Spain, 2006) (6:02)
08. Goya (The Netherlands, 2009) (5:34)
09. The MacGuffin (Slovenia, 2007) (15:14)

last update: 2023-02-24
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (Holland)
"The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (2006)" Digipak CD 2020, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A long awaited re-issue of The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble's debut, a project originally formed to compose new music for existing silent movies, balancing atmosphere and technique in their very own Dark Jazz universe.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. The Nothing Changes (4:54)
02. Pearls For Swine (5:50)
03. Adaptation Of The Koto Song (3:58)
04. Lobby (6:56)
05. Parallel Corners (3:34)
06. Rivers Of Congo (5:28)
07. Solomon's Curse (3:20)
08. Amygdhala (3:58)
09. Guernican Perspectives (4:48)
10. Vegas (6:09)
11. March Of The Swine (19:59)

last update: 2023-02-24
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (Holland)
"Here Be Dragons (2009)" Digipak CD 2020, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A fantastic, weirdly frightening yet exotic journey through the Middle East that slowly lightens up album: the second half is by no means jolly, let alone gleeful, but illumines the timbre to include layers of wondrousness, hope and contentment.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Lead Squid (9:06)
02. Caravan ! (6:35)
03. Embers (4:27)
04. Sirocco (5:36)
05. Mists Of Krakatoa (5:00)
06. Sharbat Gula (5:50)
07. Samhain Labs (5:27)
08. Seneca (5:48)
09. The MacGuffin (7:35)

last update: 2023-12-19
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (Holland)
"From The Stairwell (2011)" Slipcase Digipak CD 2020, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The highly praised third album of the Dutch cult ensemble finally available again! At times it makes you think of 60's soundtracks, but the organic feeling of those is always interwoven with mechanical elements.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. All Is One
02. Giallo
03. White Eyes
04. Cocaïne
05. Celladoor
06. Cotard Delusion
07. Les Étoiles Mutantes
08. Past Midnight

last update: 2023-12-19
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (Holland)
"Mutations (2009) - Dark Green Vinyl" 12" LP 2021, Denovali Records
23.00EUR • approx. 33.4USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
An act combining profound musical sensibilities, deeply emotional harmonies and an acute ear for genre inter-breeding, The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble placed itself and the confluent of dusty, gritty jazz and low-end doom-laden drones. 180gr. vinyl.

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. Caos Calmo
A2. München
A3. Serpent
A4. Twisted Horizons
B1. Shadows
B2. Symmetry Of 6´S
B3. Horns Of King David
B4. Avian Lung

last update: 2023-11-21
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (Holland)
"The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (2006) - Black Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Denovali Records
28.00EUR • approx. 40.6USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A long awaited re-issue of The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble's debut, a project originally formed to compose new music for existing silent movies, balancing atmosphere and technique in their very own Dark Jazz universe.

related projects
- tracklist -
A1. The Nothing Changes
A2. Lobby
A3. Pearls For Swine
B1. Adaptation Of The Koto Song
B2. Parallel Corners
B3. Rivers Of Congo
B4. Solomon's Curse
C1. Amygdhala
C2. Guernican Perspectives
C3. Vegas
D. March Of The Swine

last update: 2023-03-24
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation (Holland)
"Egor" Digipak CD 2011, Denovali Records
14.50EUR • approx. 21USD [ add to cart ]
A four track monster (again almost 70 minutes long), recorded live at the DOM theater in Moscow as part of a mini trip to Russia in April 2011. It combines the atmosphere of "Succubus" with "Anthropomorphic", more structural improvs mixed with drones.

related projects
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- tracklist -
01. Лифт Mашины (16:36)
02. Стучать Kулаком Лестница (13:05)
03. Kосмонавт Распутина (22:19)
04. Стекло Уничтожено (16:51)

last update: 2024-02-02
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation (Holland)
"Succubus (2009)" Digipak CD 2017, Denovali Records
14.00EUR • approx. 20.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Second work of The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation (the improvisation alter ego of The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble) from 2009! Seductive but perilous, "Succubus" is a new combination of drones and jazz, creating sensual, murky and dark atmospheres.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. The Sexy Midnight Torture Show (4:29)
02. Erotic Love Queen (6:35)
03. Strange Dreams (4:31)
04. Castles By The Sea (1:33)
05. The Admirals Game (7:14)
06. The Morning After (6:59)
07. Perverted Pleasure Party (5:41)
08. A Bad Trip (5:50)
09. A Place For Fantasies (8:44)
10. Murder Amongst Mannequins (1:58)
11. Fleeing The Scene (5:19)
12. Deadly Rehearsal (8:19)
13. Faustine (8:30)

last update: 2023-12-19
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation (Holland)
"Anthropomorphic (2011) - Clear Yellow Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2020, Denovali Records
28.00EUR • approx. 40.6USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Despite being recorded in three segments, "Anthropomorphic" is a coherent single entity and is based on a plan, like all TMFDC improv sessions. Following this plan, TMFDC have created another mesmerizing, exalted, disturbing and atmospheric piece of art.

related projects
- tracklist -
A. Space (14:58)
B. Dimension (15:00)
C. Form (15:00)
D. Function (14:58)

last update: 2025-01-06
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation (Holland)
"Doomjazz Future Corpses! (2007)" Digipak CD 2020, Denovali Records
14.50EUR • approx. 21USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The free-form, drone metal / jazz atler-ego of The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble. "Doomjazz Future Corpses!" focuses on mesmerizing, doom-ridden drones and melodies, combined with the jazzy grooves and melodies of the cello and saxophones.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. One (6:03)
02. Two (6:24)
03. Three (5:23)
04. Four (4:06)
05. Five (9:19)
06. Six (7:22)
07. Seven (10:27)
08. Eight (7:51)
09. Nine (12:11)

last update: 2023-05-17
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation (Holland)
"Anthropomorphic (2011)" Digipak CD 2020, Denovali Records
14.50EUR • approx. 21USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Despite being recorded in three segments, "Anthropomorphic" is a coherent single entity and is based on a plan, like all TMFDC improv sessions. Following this plan, TMFDC have created another mesmerizing, exalted, disturbing and atmospheric piece of art.

related projects
- tracklist -
01. Space (14:58)
02. Dimension (15:00)
03. Form (15:00)
04. Function (14:58)

last update: 2023-12-19
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation (Holland)
"Егор (Egor) (2012) - Turquoise Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2021, Denovali Records
28.00EUR • approx. 40.6USD [ add to cart ]
A four track monster (again almost 70 minutes long), recorded live at the DOM theater in Moscow as part of a mini trip to Russia in April 2011. It combines the atmosphere of "Succubus" with "Anthropomorphic", more structural improvs mixed with drones.

related projects
[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
A. Лифт Машины (16:36)
B. Стучать Кулаком Лестница (13:05)
C. Космонавт Распутина (22:19)
D. Стекло Уничтожено (16:51)

last update: 2024-02-02
Thomas Köner (Germany)
"Tiento De Las Nieves - White Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2014, Denovali Records
25.00EUR • approx. 36.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
With this piece Köner builds a bridge between his associated sensation of a large white space and the snowy, foggy landscapes known to him from his various own expeditions, in a quasi dialectic process. 180gr vinyl.

- tracklist -
A. Tiento De Las Nieves (Part 1)
B. Tiento De Las Nieves (Part 2)
C. Tiento De Las Nieves (Part 3)
D. Tiento De Las Nieves (Part 4)

last update: 2023-01-10
Thomas Köner (Germany)
"Tiento De Las Nieves" Digipak CD 2014, Denovali Records
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ add to cart ]
With this piece Köner builds a bridge between his associated sensation of a large white space and the snowy, foggy landscapes known to him from his various own expeditions, in a quasi dialectic process. 180gr vinyl.

[ add to cart ]
- tracklist -
01. Tiento De Las Nieves (1:08:00)

last update: 2024-02-02
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