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Poets to their ...
Embrace the Fool
Digipak CD
"Wer sich auf einem Percussionworkshop von Brendan Perry kennenlernt, stellt damit eigentlich fast schon gezwungenermaßen einige Weichen für die musikalische Zukunft. Genau, jener Brendan Perry, der (...)"
Duplicate Records
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Origami Galaktika (Norway) |
"The Power of Compassion" 7" EP 2003, Duplicate Records |
6.50EUR approx. 9.4USD [ add to cart ] |
Limited to 500 copies, this includes two distinct versions of the title track, one of which recorded in Canada during OG's opening set for The Legendary Pink Dots on their recent North-American tour. Soothing drone ambiance at its finest!
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- tracklist -
01. The Power of Compassion I - Recorded at Le Maquisart, Trois-Rivieres, Canada, 13.04.02
02. The Power of Compassion II - Recorded at The Yellow House, Oslo, Norway, '99
last update: 2004-01-01
Virus (Norway) |
"The Agent That Shapes The Desert" Digipak CD 2011, Duplicate Records |
10.00EUR approx. 14.5USD [ new ] : [ add to cart ] |
"The Agent..." combines the dissonant guitar-washes of mastermind Czral's former band Ved Buens Ende with the outlandish nature of the band's "Carheart" debut, while simultaneously moving in several new directions at once.
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- tracklist -
01. The Agent That Shapes The Desert (5:18)
02. Continental Drift (4:43)
03. Chromium Sun (4:20)
04. Red Desert Sand (4:54)
05. Intermission: Furnace Creek (2:20)
06. Dead Cities Of Syria (6:42)
07. Where The Flame Resides (4:50)
08. Parched Rapids (4:53)
09. Call Of The Tuskers (5:12)
last update: 2023-10-16