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Amon Düül (Germany)
"Psychedelic Underground (1969)" 12" Gatefold LP 2023, Ohr
25.00EUR • approx. 36.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The first Krautrock album ever, a "document from the birth of German rock" which preceeds even Can and Xhol Caravan. The album was transferred in high resolution from the analog master tapes and carefully remastered.

- tracklist -
A1. Ein Wunderhübsches Mädchen Träumt Von Sandosa
A2. Kaskados Minnelied
A3. Mama Düül Und Ihre Sauerkrautband Spielt Auf
B1. Im Garten Sandosa
B2. Der Garten Sandosa Im Morgentau
B3. Bitterlings Verwandlung

last update: 2024-06-12
Amon Düül (Germany)
"Disaster (Lüüd Noma) (1972)" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2023, Ohr
29.00EUR • approx. 42.1USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A testament to a recording session that broke every rule and turned all listening habits inside out, and which gave birth not only to "Psychedelic Underground", but also "Disaster"! A mandatory release to understand the beginnings of Krautrock!

- tracklist -
A1. Drum Thing (Erschlagzeugtes) (9:10)
A2. Asynchron (Verjault Und Zugeredet) (7:32)
A3. Yea Yea Yea (Zerbeatelt) (0:56)
B1. Broken (Ofensivitääten) (7:21)
B2. Somnium (Trauma) (9:25)
C1. Frequency (Entzwei) (9:51)
C2. Autonomes (Entdrei) (5:35)
D1. Chaoticolour (Entsext) (7:56)
D2. Expressionidiom (Kapuntterbunt) (1:47)
D3. Altitude (Quäär Feld Aus) (1:00)
D4. Impropulsion (Noch'n Lied) (6:23)

last update: 2024-06-12
Amon Düül (Germany)
"Psychedelic Underground (1969)" Digifile CD 2023, Ohr
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The first Krautrock album ever, a "document from the birth of German rock" which preceeds even Can and Xhol Caravan. The album was transferred in high resolution from the analog master tapes and carefully remastered.

- tracklist -
01. Ein Wunderhübsches Mädchen Träumt Von Sandosa (17:03)
02. Kaskados Minnelied (2:53)
03. Mama Düül Und Ihre Sauerkrautband Spielt Auf (2:53)
04. Im Garten Sandosa (7:48)
05. Der Garten Sandosa Im Morgentau (8:27)
06. Bitterlings Verwandlung (2:28)

last update: 2024-06-12
Amon Düül (Germany)
"Disaster (Lüüd Noma) (1972)" Digifile CD 2023, Ohr
15.50EUR • approx. 22.5USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
A testament to a recording session that broke every rule and turned all listening habits inside out, and which gave birth not only to "Psychedelic Underground", but also "Disaster"! A mandatory release to understand the beginnings of Krautrock!

- tracklist -
01. Drum Things (Erschlagzeugtes) (9:10)
02. Asynchron (Verjault Und Zugeredet) (7:32)
03. Yea Yea Yea (Zerbeatelt) (0:56)
04. Broken (Ofensivitääten) (7:21)
05. Somnium (Trauma) (9:25)
06. Frequency (Entzwei) (9:51)
07. Autonomes (Entdrei) (5:35)
08. Caoticolor (Entsext) (7:56)
09. Expressionidium (Kapuntterbunt) (1:47)
10. Altitude (Quäär Feld Aus) (1:00)
11. Impropulsion (Noch'n Lied) (6:23)

last update: 2024-05-25
Birth Control (Germany)
"Operation (1971)" 12" Gatefold LP 2022, Ohr
25.00EUR • approx. 36.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Birth Control is a German Rock band known for their progressive Hard Rock sound and provocative covers. This is the re-release of their second album, on the original OHR label, produced by the famous photographer Didi Zill in 1971 at Hansa Studios.

- tracklist -
A1. Stop Little Lady (7:16)
A2. Just Before The Sun Will Rise (7:36)
A3. The Work Is Done (5:59)
B1. Flesh And Blood (3:28)
B2. Pandemonium (6:31)
B3. Let Us Do It Now (11:09)

last update: 2024-09-24
Embryo (Germany)
"Opal (1970)" 12" Gatefold LP 2021, Ohr
25.00EUR • approx. 36.3USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
Embryo combined numerous genres into a huge crossover project. Jazz-Rock, Folk, Blues, Soul, Contemporary Music and World Music. Even if "Opal" doesn't sound as perfect as later recordings, the album is considered very influential. 180g. vinyl.

- tracklist -
A1. Opal
A2. You Don't Know What's Happening
A3. Revolution
A4. Glockenspiel
B1. Got No Time
B2. Call
B3. End Of Soul
B4. People From Out The Space

last update: 2024-11-25
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