"Dopo l'esordio "Of Dreams Forgotten and Fables Untold" (2005) avevo perso di vista questo duo ungherese, che ora si riaffaccia con il terzo album, sempre per l'etichetta portoghese Equilibrium Music. (...)"
23.00EUR approx. 33.4USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ]
Givre continues its exploration of the atoning side of pain and the austere aspects of faith through music that goes all the way from elegiac elegance to disturbing outbursts, while maintaining a suffocating and tormented Black Metal atmosphere. Lim. 250x
A1. Marthe Robin (1902-1981)
A2. Louise Du Néant (1639-1694)
A3. Sainte Thérèse D'Avila (1515-1582)
B1. Marie Des Vallées (1590-1656)
B2. Sainte Hildegarde De Bingen (1098-1179)
B3. Sainte Marguerite De Cortone (1247-1297)
Givre continues its exploration of the atoning side of pain and the austere aspects of faith through music that goes all the way from elegiac elegance to disturbing outbursts, while maintaining a suffocating and tormented Black Metal atmosphere. Lim. 500x
01. Marthe Robin (1902-1981)
02. Louise Du Néant (1639-1694)
03. Sainte Thérèse D'Avila (1515-1582)
04. Marie Des Vallées (1590-1656)
05. Sainte Hildegarde De Bingen (1098-1179)
06. Sainte Marguerite De Cortone (1247-1297)
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ]
„Destin Messianique“ is deeply rooted in French Canadian history with its ties to austere Catholicism – and filled to the brim with dark and epic Black-Metal-bangers, whose dense hypnotic atmospheres will bring the listeners under their spell immediately.
01. La Sainte-Vierge Intervenant En Faveur De L Armée Française A La Bataille De La Monongahéla (9 Juillet 1755)
02. Le Christ Aux Oliviers
03. Érable Rouge
04. La Voix
05. Cantique Pour La Canonisation De La Vénérable Jeanne D Arc
06. Le Laboureur
07. Dernier Martyr
08. Consécration A La Vierge Par Maurice Duplessis
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ]
The second record by Atmospheric-Black-Metal-outfit Givre from Québec (Canada) holds a mixture of Black Metal and Medieval Folk influences, which fans of very early Lantlôs will quite definitely enjoy: gnarly yet highly emotional.
01. La Croix
02. Rebatons Notre Chair Vilainne
03. Blanche Biche
04. Jamais Ne Vestiray Que Noir
05. Source De Plour
06. Adieu Ces Bons Vins De Lannoys
07. Adieu Toute Playsante Joye
08. Couronnée D'étoiles