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"Ich kann mich noch gut erinnern, dass ich von dem von PUISSANCE komponierten Intro auf dem HEIDENREICH-Album „Trance Of An Unholy Union“ so begeistert war, dass ich mir daraufhin sofort die limiti(...)"

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Bosse-De-Nage (U.S.A.)
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Bosse-De-Nage (U.S.A.)
"Bosse-De-Nage (2010) - Black Vinyl" 2x 12" Gatefold LP 2021, The Flenser
29.00EUR • approx. 42.1USD [ add to cart ]
Phenomenally catchy raw Black Metal from the San Francisco Bay Area, with that distinct SF-style imaginative Black Metal mixed with a heaping dose of brainy Shoegaze, as if Leviathan and Amesoeurs mashed into each other.

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- tracklist -
01. Marie (5:07)
02. Marie Pisses Upon The Count (6:27)
03. Untitled (6:11)
04. Excerpt From The 5th Canto (6:49)
05. Van Gogh Cooks His Hand (6:00)
06. Excerpt From Paris Spleen (7:43)
07. Excerpt From Paris Spleen (8:54)

last update: 2024-02-02
Bosse-De-Nage (U.S.A.)
"Further Still" CD 2018, The Flenser
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ add to cart ]
Bosse-de-Nage eschew the sprawling arrangements and hypnotic repetition of their previous efforts in favor of tight, propulsive song structures, deliberately succinct in approach yet maintaining their unique lyrical style set to unpredictable melodies.

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- tracklist -
01. The Trench (5:10)
02. Down Here (3:48)
03. Crux (3:57)
04. Listless (4:17)
05. Dolorous Interlude (3:52)
06. My Shroud (6:23)
07. Sword Swallower (4:20)
08. Vestiges (5:03)
09. A Faraway Place (6:53)

last update: 2024-02-02
Bosse-De-Nage (U.S.A.)
"All Fours - Black Vinyl" 2x 12" LP 2015, The Flenser
32.00EUR • approx. 46.4USD [ back in stock ] : [ add to cart ]
Monstrous and surreal, the album is a strange mix of Black Metal, Noise and dark, post-modern lyrical themes. Comparisons range from ’90s Post-Rock like Slint to fellow Post-Black Metal brethren Deafheaven.

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- tracklist -
A1. At Night
A2. The Industry Of Distance
A3. -
B1. A Subtle Change
B2. In A Yard Somewhere
C1. Washerwoman
D1. To Fall Down
D2. The Most Modern Staircase

last update: 2024-11-10
Bosse-De-Nage (U.S.A.)
"All Fours" CD 2015, Profound Lore Records
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ add to cart ]
Monstrous and surreal, the album is a strange mix of Black Metal, Noise and dark, post-modern lyrical themes. Comparisons range from ’90s Post-Rock like Slint to fellow Post-Black Metal brethren Deafheaven.

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- tracklist -
01. At Night (8:21)
02. The Industry Of Distance (5:57)
03. - (2:04)
04. A Subtle Change (5:52)
05. Washerwoman (9:21)
06. In A Yard Somewhere (5:45)
07. To Fall Down (7:43)
08. The Most Modern Staircase (9:48)

last update: 2024-02-02
Bosse-De-Nage (U.S.A.)
"III" Digifile CD 2012, Profound Lore Records
15.00EUR • approx. 21.8USD [ add to cart ]
The most sophisticated and introspective Bosse-De-Nage release to date, and one of the most powerful collisions of Indie Rock and Black Metal of its time.

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- tracklist -
01. The Arborist (6:19)
02. Desuetude (7:30)
03. Perceive There A Silence (6:53)
04. Cells (5:41)
05. The God Ennui (10:26)
06. An Ideal Ledge (9:21)

last update: 2024-02-02
Bosse-De-Nage (U.S.A.)
"II" CD 2011, The Flenser
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ]
Bosse-de-Nage’s second album. Raw minimalist Black Metal refined in a studio setting.

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- tracklist -
01. Volume II Chapter 1
02. Marie In A Cage
03. The Lampless Hours
04. The Death Posture
05. Why Am I So Lovely? Because My Master Washes Me

last update: 2024-02-02
Bosse-De-Nage (U.S.A.)
s/t CD 2010, The Flenser
13.00EUR • approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ]
Phenomenally catchy raw Black Metal from the San Francisco Bay Area, with that distinct SF-style imaginative Black Metal mixed with a heaping dose of brainy Shoegaze, as if Leviathan and Amesoeurs mashed into each other.

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- tracklist -
01. Marie (5:07)
02. Marie Pisses Upon The Count (6:27)
03. Untitled (6:11)
04. Excerpt From The 5th Canto (6:49)
05. Van Gogh Cooks His Hand (6:00)
06. Excerpt From Paris Spleen (7:43)
07. Excerpt From Paris Spleen (8:54)

last update: 2024-02-02
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