"Poets To Their Beloved is a German-Dutch duet that is keeping ballance somewhere between neofolk (acoustic folk music) and neoclassical (with all those strings). However, it cannot be called only neof(...)"
30.00EUR approx. 43.5USD [ new : recommended ] : [ add to cart ]
Sonar are back after a 9-year break! The trademark dense crashing waves of noise leave not much breathing room, and while they surely followed suit in accordance with their own sonic legacy, they have created a fresh and considerably varied take.
A1. Getting Closer
A2. Elevator
A3. Future Cries
A4. Hold On
A5. Not So Fragile
B1. So Real
B2. Tonight
B3. Modern Touch
B4. Turn You On
B5. Lighthouse
Sonar are back after a 9-year break! The trademark dense crashing waves of noise leave not much breathing room, and while they surely followed suit in accordance with their own sonic legacy, they have created a fresh and considerably varied take.
01. Getting Closer
02. Elevator
03. Future Cries
04. Hold On
05. Lighthouse
06. So Real
07. Modern Touch
08. Turn You On
09. Tonight
10. You Get Yours
11. Not So Fragile
12. Perfect Pictures
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ temp. out of stock ] : [ pre-order ]
The classic propulsive beats are still the driving force on most tracks, while Sonar fill the space in and around the drum hits with scraping noise chords, disturbing sampled voices and throbbing sub-basses. A visceral and relentless rhythmic onslaught!
01. Intruder (3:43)
02. Closing In (3:56)
03. Them And Us (4:32)
04. Cut Us Up (3:35)
05. Black Sunset (3:54)
06. Touch The Mirror (3:39)
07. Melted Dream (5:24)
08. Never Too Late (3:19)
09. Atomized (6:34)