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Spiritual Front
The Queen Is No...
2x CD/Book Set Auerbach ... |
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The Moon and th...
Digipak CD
"Tercer disco este proyecto húngaro que está dando mucho que hablar. Ya, con un tercer disco a cuestas y después de tres años, podemos decir que el dúo formado por la cantante Ágnes y el instrume(...)"
Ritual Front
all item(s) in catalog ::
Ritual Front
(Russia) |
"Strahlungen" Digifile CD 2008, Der Angriff |
13.00EUR approx. 18.9USD [ add to cart ] |
Ritual Front return, with a more mature, professional and carefully produced work. Seven tracks about the difficult questions of honor and pride, choice and liability, death and rebirth sang in Russian, with German translations by Gerhard of Allerseelen.
Ritual Front
(Russia) |
"Lightenings Over Crimson Hill" Digifile CD 2005, Der Angriff |
12.50EUR approx. 18.1USD [ add to cart ] |
A manifest of resistance against mediocrity, dullness, hypocrisy and hollowness of the modern world. Complex musical structures which incorporate acoustic guitars, passionate voice, strong but ascetic keyboards, beautiful piano melodies and martial drums.
[ add to cart ] |
- tracklist -
01. Battle For The Crown (3:26)
02. Day Of The Lords (6:08)
03. Crimson Death-Hill (3:56)
04. Being Born (8:50)
05. The Bridges (3:52)
06. The 8th Seal (9:05)
07. Two Lightnings (7:08)
08. Death Is Our Sister (7:23)
last update: 2009-11-26